American Ginseng Recipes
10 Ways to Use & Prepare Ginseng

How To Slice Dried Ginseng Roots in 4 Easy Steps

Click the image above to load the video! American ginseng root slices are perfect way to make ginseng a part of your daily routine. Ginseng slices are useful because they can be chewed and consumed right away without any further preparation. Once the roots are cut, the slices can be dried and stored for over a year in an airtight container in the cupboard. While ginseng slices are great, finding high quality ginseng root slices can be difficult. The best way to know you are getting ginseng slices made from high quality ginseng roots it to buy authentic Wisconsin ginseng...
How to Brew Ginseng Root Tea with Honey
The ginseng root has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and Native American medicine to treat a variety of ailments and illnesses. Recent studies have proven ginseng has many health benefits such as boosting energy, preventing inflammation, helping the immune system fight colds and flu and even improving brain function (more information). One of the best and easiest ways to consume ginseng is brewing it into tea. By brewing ginseng tea, the health beneficial ginsenoside compounds are dissolved in the hot water, making it much easier for the digestive system to absorb. Ginseng Tea Recipe: Measure approximately...
How To Add The Health Benefits Of American Ginseng To Your Coffee

Everyone knows about the fantastic boost of energy and focus that coffee can provide, but too much caffeine can increase heart rate and leads to an inevitable crash. This is where American ginseng can make a difference! Just like coffee, ginseng is considered a nootropic herb meaning that it can help improve focus, attention and short term memory. When American ginseng and coffee are combined, less of each herb is needed to achieve the desired effect. Instead of multiple large cups of coffee, one cup of ginseng coffee may be able to provide the same amount of focus and energy without...
How to Make Ginseng Tea In 5 Easy Steps

Click the image above to load the video! How to Brew Ginseng Tea Using Dried Ginseng Roots Heat at least one 8 oz cup of water to about 208 °F (98 °C) or just before the water begins to boil. This is the best temperature to extract the ginsenosides which are the compounds responsible for the health benefits. Measure about 4-5 grams of dried ginseng root per 8 oz cup of water. This is equivalent to approximately 2-3 small roots, 1-2 medium roots, 1 large root or 1/2 of a jumbo root. Add the roots to the hot water and...